Monday, May 18, 2009

Tulip Time part 2

Hey everyone after a long time I finally get back to the blog and as promised here is the second part to the Tulip Time blog.
Right now I have to say I love the Tulip Time food it all smells delicious and wish I could try it all. My favorite stand though would have to be Grandpa's homemade rootbeer. That stuff is addicting I could hardly stay away. After that it is just hooblah/ not important. I still hate all the terrorists...I mean tourists. Here is a joke I came up with. What is the difference between a tourist and a terrorist? (see bottom for anser). I personally can't wait for summer and getting away from school. Ugh I hate learning things I don't want to learn about. I also hate losing your "train of thought" it annoys me. Now that we are approaching the end of the school year...YAY! there is one thing to look forward to...EXAMS...BOO!!! I can so wait for exams because I really am not looking foward to the Biology exam or the Geography exam.

Now for the anser to my earlier joke: One shoots you with a gun, the other shoots you with a camera.