Thursday, March 26, 2009


Okay so last time when I wrote I said my mistake by pure irony or some other thing I can't think of in the last half of the first semester and all semester now I ended up in one of the same glasses as the girl who I made the mistake against. Well so far we've made it to we aren't quite freinds but are talking to each other a little. Hey what can I say it's a great start for now. Anyways getting off topic...I figured out that I get sleepy in Bio no offense to the bio teachers at all I just can't help it.
Anyways here is an outline of my life so far
1. I still regret my mistake
2. I think about the girl everyday and can't get her off of my mind.
3. I love PE and can't wait for speedball
4. I love jumping on the trampoline ( even though it launches springs at people)
5. I can't wait for summer and love to drive.
6. Did I mention I regret my mistake and still have her on my mind every second
Please be patient for my third installment yet to come out and who knows what will happen
in the mean time please enjoy this one and most importantly continue to believe with all of your heart in God our Savior.


CheeseMaster165 said...

Thanks for sharing. If you ask me... you should let all that pain out about her. I've been there, and done that... trust me... it's not good to keep it inside. TRUST ME!
I'm praying for you. =)

CheeseMaster165 said...

I love P.E., too! =D

JDVG15 said...

I can't wait to see how this turns out in my life
For readers here is how i thought of doing a blog
I was sitting during chapel at school and i thought hey why not do a blog about my predicimant im in. All of a sudden all these words came into my head and so at my grandma gritters house i typed it and posted what would become my first blog
thanx for reading